Get ready to embrace later life and feel differently about retirement…

Dare to Discover Your Purpose is an innovative new online program designed to help you change the way you feel about this important but often misunderstood life stage.

What's Included?

  • 8 Videos

  • 8 Audios

  • 8 Transcripts

  • 8 Exercises

  • Result: A Blueprint for your new life.

The DARE Method

Using the DARE Method, this unique program challenges you to DARE to rebel against conventional approaches to retirement… and choose to prosper instead. The method was developed specifically to help retired and retiring baby boomers to evaluate their life in retirement so that they can create a new life of purpose, passion, and prosperity.


The four steps of DARE are Discover, Assimilate, Rewire, and Expand. In Discover, we learn about what retirement is, and what it is not. In Assimilate, we grasp a new understanding about how our mind works. In Rewire, we align and impress our new vision and desire onto our subconscious mind. Lastly, in Expand, we magnify our mind and our horizons by manifesting our future into the present.


Still not sure?

Consider these points…

  • Retirement is a health hazard you must avoid at all costs

  • You will outlive your savings, at your most vulnerable age

  • Without purpose and meaning in your life, you’re heading to life’s exit door

  • Old age is the crown of our life (Cicero) so what is your worthy cause?

  • By creating a new life for yourself, you’re being an example to your children

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1: Why Retirement Rebellion

    • Watch Video Tutorial - Why Retirement Rebellion

    • Listen to Audio - Why Retirement Rebellion

    • Download Transcript - Why Retirement Rebellion?

    • BONUS: Spirit of Gratitude eBOOK

    • General Introduction to Exercises

    • Webinar on Module 1 Exercise

    • Download Exercise Book - Why Retirement Rebellion?

  • 2

    Module 2: The Reality of Retirement

    • Watch Video Tutorial - The Reality of Retirement

    • Listen to Audio - The Reality of Retirement

    • Download Transcript - The Reality of Retirement

    • Webinar on Module 2 Exercise

    • Download Exercise Book - The Reality of Retirement

  • 3

    Module 3: Mindset Rebel

    • Watch Video Tutorial - Mindset Rebel

    • Listen to Audio - Mindset Rebel

    • Download Transcript

    • Webinar on Module 3 Exercise

    • Download Exercise Book - Mindset Rebel

  • 4

    Module 4: Your Rebel Mind

    • Video Tutorial - Your Rebel Mind

    • Listen to Audio - Your Rebel Mind

    • Download Transcript - Your Rebel Mind

    • Webinar on Module 4 Exercise

    • Download Exercise Book - Your Rebel Mind

  • 5

    Module 5: Create Your Rebel Mindset

    • Watch Video Tutorial - Create Your Rebel Mindset

    • Listen to Audio - Create Your Rebel Mindset

    • Download Transcript - Create Your Rebel Mindset

    • Webinar on Module 5 Exercise

    • Download Exercise Book - Create Your Rebel Mindset

  • 6

    Module 6: Rebel Purpose

    • Watch Video Tutorial - Rebel Purpose

    • Listen to Audio - Rebel Purpose

    • Download Transcript - Rebel Purpose

    • Webinar on Module 6 Exercise

    • Download Exercise Book - Rebel Purpose

  • 7

    Module 7: The Gratitude Rebel

    • Watch Video Tutorial - The Gratitude Rebel

    • Listen to Audio - The Gratitude Rebel

    • Download Transcript - The Gratitude Rebel

    • Webinar on Module 7 Exercise

    • Download Exercise Book - The Gratitude Rebel

  • 8

    Module 8: Rebel With A Cause

    • Watch Video Tutorial - Rebel With A Cause

    • Listen to Audio - Rebel With A Cause

    • Download Transcript - Rebel With A Cause

    • Webinar on Module 8 Exercise

    • Download Exercise Book - Rebel With A Cause